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Contact Hady Primary School

Please write, ring, or email Hady Primary School using the details below.

The office is staffed full time by Miss Gray and Miss Murray.  Mrs Carley works part-time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  

The office is open from 8am to 4pm every day apart from Friday, when it closes at 3:30pm.  If you ring the office when it is closed, please leave a message on the answerphone and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. The phone number for the office is 01246 279254.

The email for the office is office@hadyprimary.chorustrust.org 

Requests for paper copies of the information on this website can be made via the school office.  The Senior Business Assistants, Miss Gray and Miss Murray, will be able to answer any questions and direct calls.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) coordinator, Mrs J Betton, is available on the school number 01246 279254.


Mrs Jane Loader


01246 279254




Hady Primary School
Hady Lane
S41 0DF