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Physical Education

At Hady our curriculum for Physical Education is designed to develop physical literacy in children of all abilities and backgrounds. Our mastery approach to learning in fun, engaging PE lessons inspires the children to improve their physical skills and believe that they can all progress in every lesson.

Through their deeper understanding of how to perform a range of skills, children strive to ‘Be the Best They Can Be’ - our sports motto. Through their thorough engagement in lessons children also improve their fitness and activity levels which proves to the children that they can succeed. This raising of aspirations is vital to our school community, located as we are in the M1 corridor of the East Midlands. This is further supported by our commitment to active learning throughout the curriculum and daily physical activity in all classes. 

Teachers use curriculum objectives from Complete PE to plan, deliver and assess a broad range of knowledge, skills and understanding. Many PE lessons include activities which also help to embed knowledge from other areas of the curriculum such as Geography, History, Science and Maths.  

Curriculum enrichment activities such as Wellness and Sports Day, personal challenges, intra- and inter-school competitions, sports leadership opportunities and local events and festivals provide children with inspirational experiences where they can apply and build on the skills they have learnt.

 Through the wide range of activities children experience within the PE curriculum they are able to develop a set of values which will prepare them for their future lives. The focus on co-operative, collaborative and competitive experiences is an ideal environment to model, practise and embed our school values of resilience, responsibility, reflection, resourcefulness, readiness and respect.  Children learn that a healthy body helps to develop a healthy mind. In 2019 the school was awarded the platinum School Games award in recognition of our commitment to being a physically active school and the associated benefits this brings.  

Hady’s location in the M1 corridor means it is vital we offer an aspirational curriculum which sows the seeds of a healthy, active adulthood and instils life-long learning behaviours in all children.  

PE lessons are taught with reference to and application of the 6R’s, the values which underpin life in our school. This supports the children’s growing ability to strive to achieve their goals.   

PE lessons develop children’s understanding of fair play, team work and sporting behaviour. Engagement in intra- and inter-school sport encourages tolerance and respect of others, values vital to their future lives in modern, multi-cultural Britain. We use a diverse range of role models from across the sporting world to emphasise our belief that everyone can succeed.

PE Intent

Long Term Plan