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Welcome to Hady Primary School

From the moment our pupils join us, often in our nursery at the age of 3, until they leave us at 11 in Y6, we aim to provide a nurturing environment, inspiring experience, and firm foundation for growth for our pupils.  We hold high expectations for their academic achievements, but we are equally as determined to see them achieve in their personal development, particularly when it comes to the 6 R’s – the rules we live by at Hady:

  1. Be responsible: think about what is kind and what is safe and make the right choice.
  2. Be resilient: don’t give up – find a way to move forward even when things get tricky.
  3. Be resourceful: if you don’t know an answer, find a way to figure it out – fetch a ruler, check a book, ask a friend.
  4. Be ready: come to school and every lesson prepared to learn, to engage, and to achieve.
  5. Be reflective: think about your behaviour, your understanding, and your choices and consider what you’ve done well and how you can improve.
  6. Be respectful: demonstrate your care for yourself and others by using appropriate words and actions.

We hope that you find our website informative.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about Hady – we are happy to help and look forward to hearing from you.

You can follow us on Facebook here or by searching for the handle @hpschesterfield.  We also use Class Dojo to communicate with our parents.  It is easy to download from any appstore – just look for the Class Dojo logo.